Plant Dye Workshops

No Upcoming Workshops 

Past Workshops 

March 23rd ❊ 10:00-11:30am


Silk Plant Dye Workshop

Los Angeles, CA

December 3rd, 2023

Arlington Garden

Pasadena, CA

Plant Dye with Plants from The Arlington Garden 

February 8th, 2023

Tie Dye Workshop with plants at SPY in Venice, CA

 Plant dyed tie dye t-shirts using turmeric and eucalyptus bark. The t-shirts are tie dyed yellow and pink. This was made in a goose summer plant dye workshop in LA

October 29th, 2022

Curious Forge 

Flower Printing and Plant Dyeing at The Curious Forge in Nevada City, CA 

Plant dyed silks laying on a table.  The center is a baby blue plant dyed piece of silk with flowers printed on it. This is a flyer for a plant dyeing workshop


I try to source most of my plant dyes from around Los Angeles, but all the dyes I use are organic and sustainably harvested. I use indigo, madder root, cosmos, eucalyptus, chamomile, avocado pits, saffron and any other dyes that I find along the way. I love that all the dyes come from the ground, and when I am done it can go right back into the earth.